Volunteer opportunities at MTA are available throughout the year. Every week, our Guild newsletter, the Hoots'n'Hollers has a dedicated section with links to sign up for volunteer opportunities.
We have a variety of volunteer events – from daily opportunities to seasonal and one-off needs.
At MTA, each family is required to volunteer 5 hours per quarter. Refer to the MTA Handbook for more details.
Some examples of opportunities are:
Breakfast + Lunch Duty Owl Store Library Assistance Classroom help (depends on the teacher/grade) ArtWalk Committee (annual Art Show) Guild Membership Committee Uniform Exchange Committee Teacher Appreciation Committee Bingo Committee Sweetheart Dance Committee Book Fair Committee Readathon Committee Sponsorship Committee Lost and Found Committee Silent Auction Committee Campus beautification Committee Copying Committee |
Safe Start Committee Family Fun Day Committee 8th Graduation Committee Teacher Supplies Committee Teacher Hospitality Committee Social Media Committee Athletic Support Committee Spirit Night Committee Mother/Son Kickball Committee Logo Sales Committee Owl Star Assemblies Committee Preschool Liaison Dad’s Club Zoolights committee Dad’s Club Movie Night Committee Dad’s Club Cornhole Committee Dad’s Club Bowling Committee |
Ask the Guild about any volunteer opportunities mentioned above or sign up for volunteer shifts below by clicking on the links.
Driveway + playground volunteering:
JV Girls Basketball: MTA Girls Basketball: JV Girls Basketball - Parent Volunteers
JV Boys Basketball: MTA Boys Basketball: JV Boys Basketball - Parent Volunteers
Varsity Girls Basketball: MTA Girls Basketball: Varsity Girls Basketball - Parent Volunteers
Varsity Boys Basketball: MTA Boys Basketball: Varsity Boys Basketball - Parent Volunteers
Family Fun Festival Volunteer Shifts
We highly recommend parents join the Guild Facebook group. That is where parents ask questions, school event information/reminders are posted, and volunteer opportunities are shared in real time.
If you are not receiving the weekly newsletter, you need to click on "Become a Member" and sign up for a Guild membership.
For any questions, please reach out to the Guild: mtaguildboard@gmail.com
To volunteer, follow these steps:
If you have not already signed up, please register on the Raptor website. You must be APPROVED in Raptor before volunteering.
- Make sure to have a copy of your drivers license ready to upload
- For step #4, make sure to check “Parent Teacher Organization Activity”
If you have already signed up, you can login and see volunteer shifts via links provided on Facebook or in the Hoots ‘n’ Hollers weekly email.
Your hours will show in your Raptor account. Please keep track of your hours separately should there be any discrepancies.
For all issues with Raptor, please contact the District. If you are having trouble logging in your Raptor account or signing in at the front office Kiosk, contact Liz Hernandez at the District office at volunteers@madisoned.org or call 602-664-7580
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, April 2
- Monday, April 14
- Thursday, April 17
- Friday, April 18
- Thursday, May 1
- Wednesday, May 7
- Friday, May 9
- Monday, May 12
- Friday, May 16